I would like to welcome Geeta Schrayter to my blog today She is
joining us to talk a little bit about herself and her new book Reaching
Thanks for having me Sally!
1. You said in Reaching Riverdale that it is best to write
your plans in pencil rather than pen.
Q:) What plans have you written in pen that you have inevitably
crossed off?
A:) Acting would probably have to be one of them. I grew up
watching my eldest brother perform as the lead in a lot of his high school
plays, and I was always in awe. I wanted to act too, when I grew up, but
in movies and television. I was convinced I’d move out to California and become
a star.
When other girls were writing their names inside hearts with that
of a boy they had a crush on, I was practicing my autograph.
I did end up going to Los Angeles for an acting seminar one
summer, and a lot of my high school friends ended up signing my yearbook with
some sort of encouraging message regarding that plan. But considering I’m
currently in Connecticut answering your questions, clearly that didn’t happen.
Q:)What did you pursue instead?
A:) Well, being a writer was the other plan I wrote down in pen.
Only I never crossed that one off. So I went to college and got a degree in
communication with a journalism concentration, all the while focusing on the
fact what I really wanted was to be an author. Becoming one is a goal that’s
been as constant as change usually is. And, since we’re here talking about my
debut novel, its one plan I’ll never have to forgo.
Oh, and all that autograph practice? It wasn’t for nothing… but
when I was younger, I’m not sure I knew it’d be for books instead of
2. You wrote so passionately about the small town of Riverdale
that I found myself wanting to move there myself.
Q:) Are you from a small town?
A:) I grew up in a couple of small towns. They were places where
your parents would let you wander off down the road with a friend to play in
the woods, or give you a dollar after a bit of pleading then let you walk to
the local convenience store for an ice cream or a candy bar.
In one town, some of my summer afternoons were spent sitting on
the stonewall that separated our yard from the farmer’s next door, naming all
of his cows. A couple times one would escape and end up in our front yard. I
remember keeping an eye on them while the farmer was retrieved so they wouldn’t
wander into the road. Although, there wasn’t much traffic, so I doubt there was
any real danger.
Q) Do you still live in one?
A:) I don’t think I can call it a “small town” since
there’s over 30,000 residents, but it used to be. It was a quaint little
farming community when my mom was growing up, and it still has a lot of small
town qualities – charm, if you will - despite its size.
3. There is a lot of baking in your book and it sounded so yummy
it made me hungry.
Q:) Do you like to bake?
A:) I love to bake. I still remember the first thing I made on my
own. I was probably 11 or 12 and it was a raspberry strudel. Pies,
cookies, cupcakes, muffins, cakes, bread, biscuits – you name it, I love
to bake it.
In some ways, baking is like a piece of heirloom furniture, in
that it’s something that can be passed down from generation to generation. My
great-grandmother taught my grandmother, my grandmother taught my mother, and
then my mother taught me. Tips and secrets were passed down as were family
recipes. I love going into my grandmother’s old recipe box and consulting one
of the well-used cards covered in her pretty cursive to make something
Q:) What food is your favorite feel good thing to make and or
A:) Well, unfortunately for my hips, I do love a fresh
batch of gooey cookies. I’m also a fan of soup, and Indian food is almost
always guaranteed to make me feel good.
4. I know it is silly but I believe the bad person is as much a
part of a story as the hero and I found Rick to be a wonderful bad apple.
Considering the apple references all throughout the story, I like
that you just called Rick a bad apple. That’s precisely what he is.
Q:) Who was your favorite character to get to know in Reaching
A:) I’d have to say Mr. Carter. I just love the way he sort of
encompasses what he does – he’s got that rough exterior, but he’s a big softy
underneath – almost like a loaf of bread!
In reality, I love talking to older generations. They’ve treasure
troves of information and fabulous stories to share if you take the time to
Q:) How did that character change from your original plans
for them?
A:) Actually, Mr. Carter didn’t become an integral part of the
story until I was well into writing. In fact, he wasn’t even a part of the plot
when I first started. I had planned on Mr. Palmer sort of being that charming
older man you can’t help but love, but then the bakery aspect came to be and
Mr. Carter evolved with it.
5. For a first book, I think that this one is a smash hit.
Thank you! I’m
very excited with how it came out
Q: ) What are your plans for future projects?
A:) Presently I’m working on a novel that takes place in India. I
grew up around Indian culture, I’ve been there three times and kept a blog
chronicling my experiences there, so all of those aspects are fuel for the
literary fire I’m stirring. I hope everyone who’s enjoyed the adventures in New
England in this first book will like traveling around the world with me in the
next. It should be finished in January.
I’m also working on a book that continues some of the storylines
in Reaching Riverdale, so I’m excited for that as well.
6. According to your goodreads.com profile you are an avid
Q:) Who are some of your favorite authors?
A:) Hmm, let’s see… Jane Austen, Nora Roberts, Mark Twain,
Marion Chesney, Emily Griffin, Nathanial Hawthorne, James Patterson, Nicholas
Sparks, the Bronte sisters… to name a few.
Q:) How have those authors changed over the years?
A:) I can’t say they really have. The Scarlet Letter was
one of the first classic novels I read and I’ve been a fan of Mark Twain since
reading Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in school.
But I’m trying to branch out more now. I love my classics and a
good romance, but there are so many people who praise authors such as John
Grisham I figure I should give them a shot, too.
Q:) Who has remained a constant favorite?
A:) Jane Austen has been my favorite since the day I
discovered Pride and Prejudice. I’m obsessed with her, but somewhat of a
traditionalist in that I haven’t read any of the fan fiction that’s based on
her novels. If I want to read about Mr. Darcy, I’ll go get lost in Pride and
Prejudice for the thousandth time. Or Persuasion (second favorite) or Sense and
Sensibility (third) perhaps.
7. What advice do you have for someone who is just
starting out writing?
A:) Well, “don’t give up” is always a good place to start.
If you love writing then write. Not to sound like a Nike commercial but just do
it. I can’t stress that enough.
There may be people who tell you having writing aspirations
is silly or not very practical but you can’t listen to them.
Write what you feel. Don’t write and worry about finding agents
and publishers down the road. I truly believe everything that’s meant to happen
will happen. Worrying will do nothing but give you frown lines.
You’ve started writing, now don’t stop.
8. When you are not writing what do you do for fun
and relaxation?
A:) I love to read, spend time with my family and friends, drive
around with the windows down and the music up, shop, take day trips, cook, bake
and go for a nice run – especially now with the brisk autumn air.
Oh! and as soon as the holiday season arrives, act like a
sugarplum fairy.
I’m obsessed with the holidays and you’re likely to find me
outside catching snowflakes on my tongue, inside baking cookies, singing
holiday songs, wrapping presents, mailing piles of cards and just generally
trying to sprinkle good cheer around. If I had a personal slogan during that
time of year it’d probably be: "Why visit the North Pole when Geeta’s so
9. Which character from Reaching Riverdale do you
most relate to?
A:) While my life hasn’t played out like Annebelle’s, some of her
frustrations and dilemmas are certainly relatable to me. Particularly, the
desire for small town life versus city living has always been something I’ve
fought with. As a solution, I’ve decided that I need to have at least three
homes. So I better get to work on writing some bestsellers.
10. What is the best part of becoming a published
author? The worst?
A:) Having people read my book is definitely the best part. The
only person I let read the story while I was working on it was my sister, then
my mom when it was finished. So during that entire time, it was just the three
of us who could discuss it. Now that others have read it it’s surreal having
them talk to me about it – name things they loved, characters they related to
et cetera.
It’s also made a few friends who aren’t necessarily the reading
type pick up a book and read. Since I consider reading so important, that’s
certainly a plus.
As for the worst part, honestly, I can’t really say there is one.
After all, this is a dream come true!
Ok, ok, well, all the paparazzi and the fans pestering me for
autographs whenever I go to the grocery store can be vexing…
Just kidding! Someday, maybe…
Thank you Geeta!
If you would like to know more about Geeta you can find her
On GoodReads.com Here
Her website Here
Follow her on twitter Here
Or FaceBook Here
My Review of Reaching Riverdale.
Annebell is always trying to get away from her home town of Riverdale despite her friends and families wishes that she will ultimately decide to stick around. When she returns home for her graduation party Annabell finds her beloved bakery closed heartbroken she takes it upon herself to bring it back from the grave. With a little help from her friends she learns that a little tender loving care can go a long way. This is a hometown book that will warm you to the soul and I would recommend it to anyone who likes, romance and, feel good books.
View all my reviews
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