My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Are you tired of the old tale of Santa in his jolly red suit? Do you think he would be more fun if he was more like a commando? Well then this book is for you. When a rogue assistant of Santa named SR starts turning naughty children into wood and locking them up instead of just giving them a lump of coal, it is up to Jakob and his friends to set a trap to catch Santa and lure SR out into the open. Do they succeed? You are going to have to read this book to find out. This is a children's book but I would recommend it to readers of any age who are still kids at heart or if they were once teased about still believing in Santa.
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Here is an author
interview Marc did recently:
Before we get started, could you tell us a
little about yourself?
I’m a dad of three great kids,
husband to a wonderful wife, brother, son, pet owner, author and former sex
crimes detective. Being a Navy brat, I grew up living around the world. My dad
met my mom in Spain. She’s a Spaniard. I guess that makes me half Spanish. She
is also the reason I speak fluent Spanish. I drive a Jeep. Let’s see,
what else? Oh yeah, I love the beach, surfing, swimming and any sport that
involves the water. I play competitive soccer. I have a PS3 and love to play the Battlefield games. Okay, I
think I just bored your readers.
How long have you been writing? 24
years on and off. I’ve ten books yet to publish.
Why did you start writing? I
was bored. See, during my first year of college I was working for Pan Am. Now
wait. I have to mention that I’m not that old. The year is 1987 and yes, Pan Am
was still around, although not for much longer. I
was an international travel baggage inspector. Translation: I sat around during
my 5 hour shift until summoned by a ticket agent. This happened maybe twice
during a shift. I would then physically inspect travelers baggage searching for
anything suspicious. So, after I’d complete my
school work, I’d write. Have you always wanted to be a writer? Nope, not really. I mean I never thought I’d pursue
publication. Writing was a hobby.
Who or what has had the most influence on you as a writer? No one person. Well, God, because I always want to do what’s
right in his eyes.
Do you have a favorite book, place, song, person, or movie
that inspires you? Inspiration? Wow. It comes from all
places. My brain is little ADD(my wife's diagnosis) so data comes in fast and
scattered. And when it comes I scramble to find my writing journal to download
the brain dump. My favorite book is Genesis, yes, just Genesis. Creation
fascinates me.
How much research do you usually put into your books? Research, hmm, let me think because it depends on what I’m
writing about. Catching Santa was quick -- 4 hours. All I did was research
Germanic Santa lore. On the other hand The Eternal Library has taken weeks and
research continues to consume my time.
Do you base events or people in your books off of your life,
or your friends' and family's lives? Sure, the three
Jablonski children in Catching Santa are based on my kids. I even use their
first names. Their surname, Jablonski, is my mother-in-law's maiden name.
What do you do when you're not writing? I workout at the gym with my wife, hang with the kids and
play soccer.
What was your favorite book or author as a teen? Anything R.A. Salvatore. What's your favorite now? Joseph Delaney of the Spook’s Apprentice series and
anything written by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
What is your writing process? Each
book is a project. I outline first -- so as to
know where I am and where I ‘m going with the story. Seriously, I see the
outline as a skeleton. Once in place I add the flesh. I know that’s gross but
it works for me. Do you write regularly at certain times or just when
inspiration hits? I usually write either during the
early morning hours or late evening hours. It just depends. If inspiration hits
I write it in my writing journal which is never to far or I’ll record a voice
memo on my iPhone.
What keeps you motivated? It’s fun
creating and seeing my work in print and online. Positive reviews and awards
are cool too.
What is your favorite quote? “Believe in love. Believe in magic. Believe in others.
Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. If you don't, who will?” – Jon Bon
Are there any books you wish you'd written? No. Not yet.

What inspired this book? I was tired
of the Disneyesque portrayal of Santa and wanted to create a whimsical Brothers
Grim-like story with sci-fi and fantasy elements.
Do you have any advice for aspiring authors? Don’t give up. Give 100%. Look and see what others are doing
and do it better.
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