I would like to welcome Thomas K. Carpenter to my blog today
1) What genre do you like to write?
A: All of them? My favorites are the speculative ones, sci-fi and fantasy, but I enjoy writing in others. Currently I'm in the middle of a historical mystery series (though it could also be termed an alternate history, which is a sub-category of sci-fi.) I also like mixing the genres since coloring outside of the lines is more fun than coloring in them.
2) How long have you been writing? What prompted you to start writing?
A: Since I was a teenager. I finished my first novel right out of college.
3) What inspires you to write?
A: Stories. I love reading them, writing them, and thinking about them. Stories are the most efficient mode of communication because when done right, they relay more than just the words, they change people's ways of thinking.
4) When a story idea pops into your head, how long does it typically take to write it (from start to finish)?
A: Depends. Sometimes on a short story, the idea comes so completely, I can write it in a weekend. Rare, but it happens. Most of my story ideas are ones that have been lingering in my brain or in my idea folder on the computer for years. I have a fantasy series I've been planning for about four years now and I have quite a bit of background and notes written. I'll get started on that after the Alexandrian Saga (the historical mystery series), maybe around 2015.
5) What do you find to be the most difficult part of the writing process? Easiest?
A: Butt in the chair! Dragging myself to the computer is the hardest part, especially on the weekends when I'm lying in my comfy bed with my wife, but once I've reread the previous day's work and gotten into the groove, I wonder why I wasn't jumping at the chance to write.
6) Of all your characters whom do you most relate to?
A: My protagonists tend to be underdogs with a technological bent (even if it's ancient technology!) and often socially awkward. So all of them? But most relate? I might say Zel Aurora, the main character from The Digital Sea.
7) Is there one of your characters that you did not like when you started writing about them, but found yourself liking by the end of the story?
A: Sasha from The Digital Sea. He's a tragic character.
8) What is your least favorite part about writing? The Most?
A: Not having enough time to write all the stories I want to write! Having a stressful and demanding day job makes carving out time difficult, especially with a busy family. The best part about writing is the feeling right after a particularly satisfying session. I feel like I can change the world after those days.
9) When you are not writing or editing what do you do for relaxation?
A: There's time to do other things? Once upon a time, before I realized that if I wanted to be a writer I had to give up those other activities, I gamed a lot, either on the computer (a nasty WoW addiction), console, or with friends. I still do on occasion, but it's few and far between.
10) What types of books do you like to read?
A: Good ones! I read lots of short fiction to better my craft and I'm working my way through Joe Abercrombie's The Blade Itself trilogy when I have time. It's a load of fun, I just wish I could have a few days to just read them from beginning to end.
11) What author(s) do you enjoy reading? Why?
A: George R.R. Martin is hands-down my favorite. I've read everything he's written more than once, for enjoyment and for craft. I mentioned Joe above and Hugh Howey's Wool is a must read. On the short fiction side, I like Ken Liu, Robert Reed, and Kris Rusch. This would be a small list and it changes constantly. So many good books out there!
12) Tell us about your books where can people find them?
A: My books can be found at all online distributors in both ebook and POD. I also have a fair amount available in audio book and they should be in independent bookstores by this fall (though you can order them from bookstores right now). I have a website at www.thomaskcarpenter.com and you can find me on Facebook as Thomas K. Carpenter. I always announce any new releases there, so if you're so inclined, that would be the place to follow me.
Thank you for joining me today here are my thoughts on Digital Sea, I loved it and can't wait to read more!
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Tell me, are you all jacked in? All the latest apps downloaded, bluetooth enabled, your whole life in the palm of your hand? What if you could just have your phone downloaded into your brain? No more worries, everything you needed would be all right there behind your eyes. This book is all about a world where all inhabitants are hardwired into a massive central network. Is this a good or bad thing? Only you can tell. This book is a fun fast-paced novel that will keep you turning pages. It really makes you question whether the total digital lifestyle we are headed towards is such a good idea. We are already exploited for our need for technology – what would evil individuals do if they had direct access into our brains? I personally fear for humanity. I would recommend this to anyone who likes technological thrillers and Sci-fi.
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