My rating: 5 of 5 stars
After seeing her grandpa brutally murdered by his business partner, Katie flees to avoid capture. She finds herself in a small circus where she is able to keep a small amount of anonymity until some local boys in Kincade Springs assault her. Afterwards, all of her past comes back to haunt her, but this time she is not alone. Gabe Kincade, a local lawyer, is there to defend her. But can he do so without falling in love with her? You will just have to read this book to find out.
I enjoyed this book. It had all the classic romance necessities: damsel in distress, a handsome hunk to sweep her off her feet, a dynamic middle where there is a chance they could lose it all, and a super happy ending where all parties find exactly what they are looking for or deserve. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes romances.
I would like to welcome Caroline Clemmons to my blog to discuss herself and her wonderful book series about The Kincaids.
1) What genre do you like to write?
I love writing romance,
especially historical western romance. Except for one, the main portion of each
of my titles takes place in Texas. Since I live in Texas, writing about my home
state makes research much easier.
2) If you were to branch out from your current genre which one(s) would you like to explore?
Perhaps women’s fiction.
Writing women’s fiction would take more time, but I have two premises I would
like someday to write.
3) How long have you
been writing? What prompted you to start writing?
As long as I can
remember, I’ve made up stories but I didn’t write them down. Oddly enough, it
was my mother in law who suggested I write romance. She read a lot of romance
novels and, judging from the long, anecdotal letters I wrote about my husband
and our children, she believed I could write romance.
I’d had a story in my head and my husband’s
encouragement gave me the courage to dive in and write. Of course, the first
story was awful because I didn’t know anything about character arc, pacing,
plot development, or any of the other craft components necessary for a good
story. I joined an RWA chapter and heard great workshops and seminars, and that
helped me hone my craft.
I love writing. Some of
my family members complained that once I started writing novels, their long
letters from me stopped—and that’s true. My first title was published by
Kensington in 1998, BE MY GUEST. Now my total is 19 titles and several boxed
4) What inspires you to write?
Everything! It might be
something I hear in conversation, on television, or read in a magazine or
historical journal. I think “but what if?” about whatever it is and go from
there. Several of my writer friends and I plot our stories together, and then
we’re off—writing as fast as we can.
5) When a story idea pops into your head, how long does it typically take to write it (from start to finish)?
An average of four months once the book is plotted. Some stories move quickly—I wrote HAPPY IS THE BRIDE in three weeks. Others kick and scream until completed. The one I’m writing now is kicking and screaming and clawing, but I’m determined these characters will do as I tell them. So far, I’ve a headache. :D
6) What did you find to
be the most difficult part of the writing process? Easiest?
The easiest is the
premise and characterization. The most difficult is the first three chapters. I
plot the story and know where I’m starting and where I’m ending. Getting the
intro perfect is so important to create likeable characters and credible
situation and keep readers invested in the story.
7) Of all your characters whom do you most relate to?
Hard question. Probably
Pearl Parker in THE MOST UNSUITABLE WIFE or Mary Alice Price in HIGH STAKES
BRIDE. Each is an unlikely heroine, but each demonstrates those qualities I
8) Is there one of your characters that you did not like when you started writing about them, but found yourself liking by the end of the story?
Yes, Eduardo Montoya in
BRAZOS BRIDE. He is cousin to Hope, the heroine. At first I thought I might
link him to the attempts on her life, but I grew to like him too much. Sometime
in the future, I plan a novella with him as the hero.
9) What is your least favorite part about writing? The Most?
If I may I’ll do that in
reverse order. My favorite part of writing is losing myself in the story. My
characters come alive for me and become friends. Also hearing from fans that
they loved a particular title or character does wonders for my day/week/month.
The least favorite part
of writing is marketing my books. I just want to write. On the other hand, I do
want people to read my stories, so promotion is necessary to accomplish that
10) When you are not writing or editing what do you do for relaxation?
Read, spend time with my
family, watch Netflix with my husband, lunch with friends, work on family
history/genealogy, browse antique malls with my youngest daughter, and travel.
An occasional nap doesn’t hurt, either.
11) What genre of books do you like to read?
I’m an eclectic reader
of anything except true crime or
horror. I prefer light-hearted books
with a happily-ever-after ending. If I want to be depressed, I can listen to
the evening news.
12) What author(s) do you enjoy reading? Why?
My favorite authors
include Jacquie Rogers, Geri Foster, Carra Copelin, Sylvia McDaniel, Kathy
Shaw, Joan Reeves, Julie Garwood, Loretta Chase, Amanda Quick/Jayne Ann Krentz,
Nora Roberts, Louis L’Amour, Jodi Thomas, Dorothy L Sayers, Marjorie Allingham,
and many, many more.
Perhaps I should have
listed those in alphabetical order to avoid showing favoritism among those who
are my friends. I love reading, can you tell? And when an author is someone I
admire as a person, I enjoy their books even more. Conversely, there are a
couple of authors whose books I stopped reading once I met the author.
13) Tell us about your
books and where can people find them?
Happy to! My Amazon
author page is http://www.amazon.com/Caroline-Clemmons/e/B001K8CXZ6/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1402172987&sr=1-2-ent and my 19 titles and several boxed sets are
listed there.
My latest release, GABE KINCAID, is book four in the
Kincaid series available in print and ebook at Amazon and Barnes and Noble and as an ebook at Kobo, Google
Play, and from Apple.
Here’s the blurb for GABE KINCAID:
Gabe Kincaid has reasons to hate lies and those who
tell them. He moved from Austin to Kincaid Springs and joined his great uncle’s
law firm. Gabe believes he’s happy and pushes aside those moments of
loneliness, of wishing for more. He strongly believes in the law, in justice,
and obeying rules. Doing what’s right is fulfilling, isn’t it? Then why is he
so fascinated with a circus fortuneteller who spins tales faster than a cowboy
whirls his lariat?
Katie Worthington poses as Dorothy Duncan in a
small-time circus. If she isn’t behind the scenes mending costumes or in the
circus kitchen, she’s disguised as the fortuneteller, Maharani Shimza, Mystic
of the East. Even so, she worries about being killed by the men pursuing her.
She fears a brawl at her fortune telling tent that sends her into the Kincaid’s
protective custody will end with her exposure and death. Then, a murder at the
circus implicates her. How can she escape when that attorney pops up every time
she turns around?
Will Gabe and Katie let the sparks between them
ignite into a passionate romance or will her secrets destroy their chance at a
happily ever after?
About Caroline Clemmons:
Caroline Clemmons is an Amazon bestselling author of historical
and contemporary western romances whose books have garnered numerous awards. Her
latest release is GABE KINCAID, book four of her popular Kincaid series. A
frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, she has taught workshops on
characterization, point of view, and layering a novel.
Caroline is a member of Romance Writers of America, Yellow
Rose Romance Writers, From The Heart Romance Writers, and Hearts Through
History Romance Writers. Her latest publications include the acclaimed
historical Men of Stone Mountain series: BRAZOS BRIDE, HIGH STAKES BRIDE, and
Caroline and her husband live in the heart of Texas cowboy
country with their menagerie of rescued pets. Prior to writing full time, her
jobs included stay-at-home mom (her favorite), secretary, newspaper reporter
and featured columnist, assistant to the managing editor of a psychology
journal, bookkeeper for the local tax assessor and—for a short and fun time—an antique dealer. When she’s not indulging her
passion for writing, Caroline enjoys reading, travel, antiquing, genealogy,
painting, and getting together with family and friends. Find her on her blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Google+, WattPad, Shelfari, and Pinterest.
Thanks for hosting me.
Thanks for accepting and allowing me to read this exceptional romance.
Thanks for accepting and allowing me to read this exceptional romance.
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