I would like to welcome author Kenneth John Atchity to my blog today along with his unique book The Messiah Matrix.
1) What genre do you like to write?
à I love writing thrillers.
2) How long have you been writing? What prompted you to start writing?
à I wrote down my mother’s stories when I was six and just learning to write. I’ve been writing every day ever since.
3) What inspires you to write?
à Stories that beg to be told. Ideas that beg to be analyzed and communicated.
4) When a story idea pops into your head, how long does it typically take to write it (from start to finish)?
à It varies from story to story, depending on the depth of the research required. Anywhere for one to five years.
5) What did you find to be the most difficult part of the writing process? Easiest?
à Running into an inspiring story is the most difficult part. The easiest is the first draft.
6) Of all your characters whom do you most relate to?
à Father Ryan McKeown, S.J., because he is filled with uncertainty about the religion he was raised in.
7) Is there one of your characters that you did not like when you started writing about them, but found yourself liking by the end of the story?
àYes, the character of Adashek.
8) If you were to branch out from your current genre which one(s) would you like to explore?
à Erotica
9) What is your least favorite part about writing?
àFinishing is my least favorite!
The Most?
-->Knowing exactly where the story is going is my favorite part.
10) When you are not writing or editing what do you do for relaxation?
àTennis. Watching movies. Cooking, eating. Traveling to interesting places.
11) What genre of books do you like to read?
àAll genres—from history to thrillers, and everything in between.
12) What author(s) do you enjoy reading? Why?
à My favorite contemporary writer is RED SPARROW’S author Jason Matthews.
13) Tell us about your books where can people find them?
àThey can all be found and ordered from
Kenneth Atchity Titles
Messiah Matrix (www.messiahmatrix.com) is Ken Atchity’s second novel, his first Seven Ways to Die was a book he finished for New York Times bestseller William Diehl, his literary management client. Previous books for writers include A Writer’s Time, Writing Treatments that Sell, and How to Publish Your Novel. Ken is a literary manager with dozens of New York Times bestselling clients and producer, of thirty films including Hysteria, Erased, The Kennedy Detail, and The Lost Valentine. He can be reached at atchity@storymerchant.com
My Thoughts:

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
History is a funny thing; it is basically a tale passed down from one generation to the next. This means it is anyone’s guess as to how much of the story is fact, and how much of the story is just an embellishment to make it sound more interesting. This book is about this very thing. Could Augustus Caesar really be in fact the one and only Jesus? In this, both Father Ryan and Emily Scelba, Ph.D., an expert in ancient iconography, set out to prove this unique theory. The question is, can they control their undeniable passion and stay alive until they fulfill their destines? You will just have to read this book to find out.
My thoughts on this book are mixed. As a general rule, I tend to be apprehensive about the facts behind history. Historical fiction makes it even harder to discern the true facts of the story. Who really was Jesus? God only knows. The real question is, does it matter who the man was? Or is it more important to focus on the message he represents? Once again, the underlying story in this book is good. It is a well-thought-out combination of romance and suspense, which makes the unusual concept of Jesus and Augustus being the same person a little easier to swallow. Would I recommend this book? If you are a hardcore Bible-thumping Jesus freak then I would stay away from this book at all cost. If on the other hand you like history, romance, suspense, and are open-minded enough to take this book at its face value—that this is a work of fiction based on some historical information where Jesus and Augustus have a lot in common—then I would recommend you take a look.
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